Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Man Who Wasn't There the film I am currently watching as I fall asleep.

Today I woke up late and went to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. The mall is littered with port-a-potties in preparation for Sunday's mega-super-star-studded variety show inauguration kickoff concert. Aside from the hilarious image of the Washington Monument rising from a chorus line of plastic toilets, it is surreal to see such architectural icons up close.

After the Smithsonian, Darrell and I were interviewed by a German reporter on the couch surfing experience. I am told we're one half of a feature on the extremes people are going to for the inauguration. We obviously represent the plebes, while the people who are paying $50,000 a night for their lodging represent the maximum bourgeoisie. The reporter actually asked me what I thought of that. "Aw shucks lady! I didn't know folks had that much money. That's curraayzeee! Yeeehooo!"


  1. Washington is a funny city, architecturally, because it's based on all these buildings in Greece that weren't actually white at the time. They're sort of like buildings in their underwear. But I like it I think, and would like to view them surrounded in swarms of port-a-potties. Seems like a Christo and Jeanne-Claude stunt. "The Loos of DC"

    Have you found out yet what your inauguration ticket gets you?

  2. I have - general admission to the standing-only area directly in front of and behind the reflecting pool.

  3. Assholes are gonna get there SO early...

  4. Asshole be camping AT the reflecting pool, I'm sure.
